これはプリシーの手のアートギャラリーを表示する 、コメント、またはブラウズして自由に感じる いいえ美術窃盗や窃盗は、所有者を尊重しない ありがとう、はじめまして。 ---- This will display the art gallery of Prissy's handmade, Feel free to browse or comment, No art thievery and steal, Respect the owner Thank you, nice to meet you.
Minggu, 20 Mei 2012
Leia [Lineart]
Leia LINEART From Megurine Luka's song
Feel free to color her.
A/N: She's holding her eye
-Don't take off the waterproof
-Don't Claim it as your drawing
-Lineart all mine,Copyrights of Megurine Luka and Leia goes to Respective Owners
-You can tell me if you're done ;D
Foto lampu by kristian utomo
Selasa, 15 Mei 2012
Sweeping for guitar
Kristian Utomo
How to sweep
In Major
In Minor
Play Guitar Fast
By: Kristian Utomo a.k.a (Genkai456)
Tips to play guitar fast with books (for self taught)
-Start learning by playing the chord C,F, and G
-Learn it until you can move from one chords to another in a matter of second
-Learn the minor for the chord C usually the minor used are D minor, A minor, and E minor
-Try to use 7th chord ( ex: C7,G7,F7) Everytime you want to move from one chord to another
-Learn chords from books and try to remember it
-After you remember the chords you can play songs so that you will gain experience
-After you remember all the chords needed to play simple songs try to transcript simple songs you know (ex: happy birthday to you, Twinkle twinkle little star, etc)
-Then you have mastered to play songs with simple chords
----------------GOOD LUCK, HOPE THIS HELP-------------------------
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